Passfield Park Kids Incorporated (Kids Inc) was established in 2012 by a group of staff, parents, and community representatives to support the students and staff at Passfield Park School by funding services and projects that otherwise would not be available for students.
Passfield Park School was opened in September 1981 and is a unique learning environment, it was previously on a shared site with Sarah Redfern Primary and High Schools in Minto NSW. It is a school for students with moderate to severe intellectual disabilities in Kindergarten to Year 12. Many students have additional needs, including aut
Passfield Park School was opened in September 1981 and is a unique learning environment, it was previously on a shared site with Sarah Redfern Primary and High Schools in Minto NSW. It is a school for students with moderate to severe intellectual disabilities in Kindergarten to Year 12. Many students have additional needs, including autism, physical disabilities, mental health, verbal, visual or hearing impairments.
From the beginning of 2022 the school moved into a new facility at 39 Durham Street Minto. This new purpose built facility is capable of accommodating 100 students on a much larger site including hydrotherapy pool, library and hall.
Passfield Park School is a distinctly caring and supportive community, with high expectations in learning and independent living for its students. The goal is to support all students to communicate with their community, and to ensure that all students have the capacity to achieve their personal goals and lead successful, rewarding lives as 21st century citizens.
For more information visit
We are always looking for people who can help us support some of the most vulnerable members of our society. You could join our committee, help with fundraising or make a donation.
Financial donations can be made by Direct Deposit to:
Westpac Banking Corporation
Account Name: Passfield Park Kids Incorporated
BSB: 032 372
Account Number: 354260
If you make a donation please advise your contact details by email so we can send you a Tax Deductible receipt.
If you would like to volunteer your time, make donations of goods or services or help out in any way please contact us using the Send Us A Message button below.
With all of us working together, we can accomplish great things.
Send us a message.
We will get back to you soon.
Passfield Park Kids Incorporated
39 Durham Street, Minto, NSW 2566
Copyright © 2024 Passfield Park Kids Inc. - All Rights Reserved.